Saturday, July 15, 2023

Kindlepreneur Book Description Generator [Blurb Formatting + AI]

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The AI Book Blurb Generator

The original version of this book description generator just took your original book description, and gave you the code to make sure it was formatted correctly on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, or wherever you put it.

But now we've converted it into a tool that will actually generate an entire book description for you!

This new version of our book description generator utilizes ChatGPT's AI technology to produce a compelling and enticing description of your book based on your original book description.

Here's how it works:

1. Input your original book description (it's okay if it's a bit rough)

2. Click the button that says “Once you finish your book description, click here to see if AI can improve it!”

book description AI tool

3. Select either “Fiction” or “Non-fiction” from the popup.

book description ai tool fiction or non-fiction

4. The AI tool will then create a new book description which will display on the left. You can then pick and choose passages from that book description to include in your version (on the right).

book description AI tool output

5. Hit “Go Back to Formatting” and continue creating the code for your awesome book description!

The new version of the book description generator is user-friendly and intuitive. You don't need any special technical skills to use it. So why wait?

Note: even though every time someone uses this book description generator, it does cost us a little bit of money, we are making this tool completely free anyway. If you have received some value from this tool, and want to support us for making it free, we recommend purchasing Publisher Rocket or Atticus (or both!) as a way of saying thank you. Not only do you support us, but you get another awesome tool in the process!

Important: Amazon complains of “Invisible Characters”

If when you go to publish your book description, and Amazon responds with “Description may not contain invisible characters”… there's a reason.

This means that there are <><> tags with nothing in between the two <> tags. These need to be removed before Amazon will say OK.

This change happened relatively recently, and can explain why some of your previously working descriptions are no longer acceptable. Simply remove these blanks and you'll be good to go.

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How Our Book Description Generator Can Help

The book market is more competitive than ever, with thousands of new titles being published every year. In this crowded landscape, a well-written and visually appealing book description can make all the difference in helping your book stand out.

Our book description generator is designed to help you create professional and compelling descriptions that will grab the attention of potential readers. With just a few clicks, you can quickly generate a description that is both visually appealing and informative, giving you the best chance of attracting new readers and selling more copies of your book.

Whether you're a self-published author or a traditional publisher, our book description generator can help you create descriptions that are sure to grab the attention of your target audience.

If you want to make your book descriptions really professional, I highly recommend a professional services such as Bryan Cohen's done-for-you book descriptions.
Get Your Professional Book Description

FAQ for the Book Description Generator

Below, you’ll find answers to most of the common questions you might have about Kindlepreneur’s Book Description Generator and how to use it.

  1. How do I publish my book description on Amazon?
  2. I want to write and add an Amazon Editorial Review. How do I do that?
  3. How do I publish my book description on Barnes & Noble?
  4. How do I publish my book description on Kobo?
  5. How do I space the paragraphs in my book description?
  6. How do I format bullet points or use numbered lists with the Book Description Generator?

But first, a few things to take note of:

  1. You might see other books with different looking descriptions than what’s offered above. That’s because Amazon has changed their allowed HTML over the years, and when they change it, previous books are grandfathered in and keep using the older look.
  2. There is no way to add pictures to a book description.
  3. iTunes is not included in the generator because, in order to publish directly through Apple Books, you must use their software and they naturally have their own HTML rules for this.

1. How do I publish my book description on Amazon?

1. Sign into your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing account here by clicking the yellow sign up button.

2. Once signed in, navigate to your ‘Bookshelf’ and select the book you’d like to edit. Alternatively, create a new book by clicking on the button seen below.

publishing book description

3. Scroll down to the section ‘Description.’

entering amazon description

4. Paste your description directly into this box. Click ‘save and continue’ at the bottom of the page. If you’re publishing for the first time, you’ll have to upload your manuscript and cover before you can proceed. Click ‘save and continue’ again, set your pricing, and click ‘publish’ thereafter.

5. After clicking ‘publish’ your description may take up to 72 hours to update.

Another method you might use is by going through Amazon Author Central. You can do that as follows:

1. Sign into your Amazon Author Central account here. This is where you manage your author pages, editorial reviews, add books to your profile, and can even edit your book description for books.

2. Select the ‘Books’ tab at the top of the page.

amazon author central books tab

3. If you’ve correctly added your books to your author page, you’ll see a list of books and the one you want to edit. If not, you can add a book to your author page by clicking this button and entering the books name:

adding a book to author page

4. Once you have your book present on the books page, click on it.

5. Here you’ll find your ‘Product Description.’ Click the ‘Edit’ button, hit ‘Edit HTML’ and paste in your HTML description and hit ‘Preview.’

editing amazon product description

6. If you’re satisfied with how your product description looks, hit ‘Save Changes.’

7. Important to note: if you use this method, whenever you make changes to your book on KDP, your book description will revert to the one you originally used in KDP when first publishing your book. It’s easier to just change the book description on KDP and allow the book to update.

2. I want to write and add an Amazon Editorial Review. How do I do that?

1. To create an Amazon Editorial Review, make sure to follow Amazon’s guidelines when using the Kindlepreneur Editorial Review Generator. Amazon’s guidelines for review creation are as follows:

editing amazon editorial reviews

2. Editorial reviews can be reviews left by other authors, publications, or even some of the highlights of the reviews your readers have left for you. Select a few from your book reviews then click on the Amazon Editorial Review Generator.

3. Enter your review text. Separate each review onto a separate line. You can bold or italicize reviews as you wish. You can even add in five little stars.

Book description generator editorial review

4. Once you’re satisfied with how your editorial reviews look, hit the ‘Generate My Code’ button.

Book description generator editorial review code

5. You now have your handy HTML code that you can paste directly into the HTML editing pane in your Amazon Editorial Review section.

6. Once you have your code, sign into your Amazon Author Central account here.

7. Select the ‘Books’ tab at the top of the page.

8. If you’ve correctly added your books to your author page, you’ll see a list of books and the one you want to edit. If not, you can add a book to your author page by clicking this button and entering the books name:

9. Once you have your book present on the books page, click on it.

editorial reviews tab on amazon

10. Here, you’ll find your Editorial Review section.

Amazon editorial review editor

11. Click ‘Add’ to add your Amazon Editorial Reviews. Hit ‘Edit HTML’ and paste in your HTML description and hit ‘Preview.’

12. Hit ‘Preview’ and ‘Save Changes’ once you are satisfied. The reviews will appear in your Editorial Review section within 3 to 5 days.

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Need Help with Your Keywords?

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3. How do I publish my book description on Barnes & Noble?

1. Head to Barnes & Noble and login to your account here.

2. Create your book by following the simple onscreen steps. Or edit your book by selecting it in the ‘Projects’’ tab.

3. Select the tab ‘Book Details.’

barnes and noble book description

4. Paste your book description into the Default Book Description box as seen below.

B&N book description generator

5. Hit ‘Save and Continue’ and proceed until your book has been published or updated.

4. How do I publish my book description on Kobo?

1. Head over to Kobo Writing Life and sign in to your account here.

2. Once in your Dashboard, click on the ‘eBooks’ tab.

kobo book descriptions

3. Click on the book you’d like to edit.

4. On the ‘Describe Your eBook’ page, scroll down until you reach the ‘Synopsis’ block.

publishing your blurb on kobo

5. Paste your description into the block then hit the ‘Save and return to Library’ button on the right.

5. How do I space the paragraphs in my book description?

There are two handy methods for spacing paragraphs in your book description.

Method 1

1. Enter your book description text. When you come to the end of a paragraph, hit ‘enter’ as you usually would in writing. Your description will look like this:

spacing in blurbs

2. The description above has a very clear space between the paragraphs, and when you hit ‘Generate My Code,’ your HTML looks likes:

spacing in blurbs codes

3. The space between your paragraphs will remain there when you paste it into your book description box on Amazon, Kobo, or Barnes & Noble.

Method 2

1. Enter your book description text. When you come to the end of your paragraph, instead of hitting ‘enter’ as usual, hit ‘shift’ and ‘enter’ together. Your paragraph spacing now looks like this:

Additional spacing in the book description generator

2. Notice the lack of space between paragraphs? When you hit ‘Generate My Code’ for your HTML, it will look as follows:

exporting your book description code

3. Now, when you copy your HTML over to your book description box on Amazon, Kobo, or Barnes & Noble, it won’t have the space between paragraphs.

6. How do I format bullet points or use numbered lists with the Book Description Generator?

Once again, there are two fun methods you can use to generate bulleted or numbered lists.

Method 1

1. Click the ‘Bullet List’ or ‘Numbered List’ buttons under ‘Paragraph Style’.

Book Description Icon Formatting

2. Enter your list.

Book Description bulleted lists

3. Hit ‘Generate My Code’ and you’ve got your HTML to be pasted into your book description box on the relevant retailer. Easy.

Book description bulleted lists code

Method 2

1. To make unique bulleted or numbered lists that are still HTML friendly, you can use the Kindlepreneur Book Description Generator’s icons.

Book description generator icons

2. Instead of clicking on the ‘Bulleted List’ or ‘Numbered List’ options, use your icons. Select an icon, then type your sentence.

3. Hit either ‘shift’ and ‘enter’ or just ‘enter’ and do the same with another icon.

Book description generator icons list

4. You can select any icon and use it to create a numbered or bulleted list. Once you’re satisfied, click ‘Generate My Code’ to create your HTML.

Book description generator icons list code

Don’t forget these other Kindlepreneur resources!

If you think this book description generator's great…well, we've got more where that came from. Be sure to check out some of our top articles that might just help you along your author's journey. You can also learn a little bit about my favorite genre of books, and a little bit more about my favorite training pistol and favorite 22LR rifle, and get a great scrivener coupon here. Also, here are my favorite keyboards.



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