Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Fyfield Plantation (Arcadia’s Children #2)The Fyfield Plantation by Andrew R. Williams
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Another well-crafted sci-fi fantasy sequel...

Author Andrew R. Williams weaves another fantastic sci-fi fantasy with intriguing twists and turns that will easily captivate the reader’s attention from the opening page. The author paints an exciting and adventurous story of aliens, robots and clones in a very vivid and convincing way. In addition, the characters are drawn with great credibility and integrity.

The story had every element a good story should have. An exciting plot, attention to detail, but best of all fleshed out, well-written and well-rounded character development. There’s an abundance of well-illustrated scenes that make you feel like you are right there in the story, and that’s something I really look for in a good book.

The book description gives a sneak preview: ‘Continuing the story line of ARCADIA’S CHILDREN: SAMANTHA’S REVENGE, this futuristic sci-fi tale brings back Mick Tarmy and a cast of characters guaranteed to create a fascinating journey to destroy a plantation dedicated to growing zuka milk, which produces a powerful narcotic street drug. The Great Ones, who use the drug to raise funds for their war against humanity, will go to any lengths to stop Mick, his cohorts Claire Hyndman and Nonie Tomio, from their mission…’

This was a fascinating and captivating read that had me immersed from the beginning. The story flowed from scene to scene with ease, and the author shows exceptional ability when it comes to storytelling. There are plenty of attention-grabbing moments in this page turner that will take the reader on a truly mesmerizing journey!

There is something very magical about reading fantasy fiction. It speaks to the very thread of my imagination, jolting it to life and transporting it on an exhilarating journey. This story did exactly that. Fans of the sci-fi fantasy genre will not be disappointed. I’ll be looking forward to reading more from this author in the future. Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.

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