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FubarsFubars by Paddy Bostock
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This novel starts out funny and ends up even funnier...

We regularly face a number of incidences that make all of us understand just how ridiculous or evil some people's behavior or ideas might be. Satire is the capability of showing, basically ridiculing these kinds of incidences by utilizing humor or hyperbole. It may be specific at nation-wide politics, society, tradition or individual people. Satire focuses on raising an individual's mind by smartly and shrewdly getting glimpses associated with high and also lowly things. It is admonition of vices creating good fun of the unique activity through powerful use of mockery and biting wit.

Author Paddy Bostock weaves a mesmerizing political fantasy tale, with intriguing twists and turns that will easily captivate the reader’s attention from the beginning. The author paints an adventurous and action-packed satirical tale in a very vivid and convincing way. In addition, the characters are drawn with great credibility and conviction. It’s a fast-paced novel that will keep you engaged from the first page to the last.

I’ve read this author before and it’s safe to say that his storylines leaves the reader spellbound to say the least. Paddy Bostock leaves the reader again mesmerized with ‘FUBARS’. The storyline and plot of ‘FUBARS’ was amazing. From beginning to end, the author holds the reader’s interest.

As always, Paddy Bostock does a great job with character and story development. He’s so prolific, so inventive, so exactly what I want to read. This book starts good but ends great and this is one book I didn’t want to end. Paddy Bostock’s writing style is both captivating and hypnotic.

The contrast between tone and content is a characteristic talent of only a few authors. Bostock pays as much attention to his sentences as he does to his plots, shifting or consolidating meaning with the use of a single word. His writing is impeccably honed, full of juxtapositions and qualifications that help to create a satirical atmosphere that will leave you laughing out loud.

I was uncertain as to what FUBAR actually meant until a Google search revealed that it was an acronym for F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition! Soldier Slang of World War II. Enter the main protagonist: Fergus Ulysses Barr. A clever title with an equally clever storyline.

There’s no doubt that ‘FUBARS’ is an exceptionally well-written book. However, it must be said that this story is not for the faint-hearted or easily offended. A word of caution, therefore, for those who are linguistically sensitive. Nevertheless, the themes and outcome are just as affecting in the arresting contemporary political landscape.

Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.

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