Saturday, June 6, 2020

40 Memorable Life Experiences: 2020 Edition

40 Memorable Life Experiences: 2020 Edition40 Memorable Life Experiences: 2020 Edition by Robert Fear
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Candid, Interesting, Reflective, Self-Deprecating, Sensitive and Witty...

This diverse collection of travel tales from around the world is fascinating in the breadth of its scope. In this anthology, 21 writers share their experiences and have produced 40 short stories. In each case, the authors’ views and focus are centered on varying aspects of the human and physical landscape, each in such a way that they grab the reader’s attention from beginning to end.

The way the authors reveal both the high and low moments, as well as the dangers and the risks that all travelers experience, in various forms, in search for what is new and novel in the world, is both energizing and life-enriching. All writers whose work is featured in this anthology are clearly fascinated by the experience of travel, and by the many wonderful discoveries that they have made along the way.

By the time I had come to the end of the book, I felt that not only had I stood on many a foreign field, and swum in many a foreign sea, but that I had also broadened my horizons by sharing in the heartfelt emotions of the contributors involved. An enlightening read, that is bound to both edify and delight, 40 Memorable Life Experiences: 2020 Edition is a must read for anyone who recognizes the importance of exposing oneself to other cultures and lands.

Writing memoirs is a unique way to cherish your past and present with the future in mind. A well-written memoir makes a splendid gift to your upcoming generations and leaves them with a vivid, personal look at your life experiences. The goal of any traveler should be to create positive memories that last a lifetime. When you recount your travel experience to others, it should invoke in you something that stirs the soul and a longing for the bygone days.

People write memoirs to fixate, analyze, share, or rethink past events. This book refers to important and significant moments in the authors lives. Special mention also to the compiler and editor, Robert Fear. A job well done, sir.

Highly recommended reading and a well-deserved five stars from me.

View all my reviews

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