Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Survival of the Richest: An Analysis of the Relationship between the Sciences of Biology, Economics, Finance, and Survivalism

The Survival of the Richest: An Analysis of the Relationship between the Sciences of Biology, Economics, Finance, and SurvivalismThe Survival of the Richest: An Analysis of the Relationship between the Sciences of Biology, Economics, Finance, and Survivalism by Anthony M. Criniti IV
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

‘One of the greatest forms of wealth of our species is found in the unity of all peoples.’

The Survival of the Richest: An Analysis of the Relationship between the Sciences of Biology, Economics, Finance, and Survivalism by Dr. Anthony M. Criniti IV is a masterclass in finance and economics that ‘integrates some of the hardest concepts of several very important fields of scientific inquiry’. It’s a well-researched body of work that covers a wide variety of topics, not least, the survival of humanity itself.

In order for this world to survive the author states that ‘we must use the same determination and energy level to resolve the current human predicament that we have used to create it. That is, we must exert as much control over our destiny as we have done over the rest of reformed nature. Self-control is a major part of our solution!’

It would take another book in itself to thoroughly review this one! For me to say that this book is “in a nutshell” would be very disingenuous to the author. It’s thought-provoking, sometimes depressing but also has a continuous thread of hope and optimism running through it. The author uses simple language throughout which makes this book accessible to anyone who has an interest in the subject matter.

View all my reviews

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