Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Battlemind: A Military Legal Thriller


Battlemind: A Military Legal ThrillerBattlemind: A Military Legal Thriller by Michael Waddington
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A thriller that maintains a taut, compelling hold from start to finish...

Author Michael Waddington weaves a gripping military legal thriller with intriguing twists and turns that will easily captivate the reader’s attention from the beginning. The author paints a dramatic and riveting tale of military courtroom drama in a very vivid and convincing way. In addition, the characters are drawn with great credibility and conviction. It’s a fast-paced novel that will keep you engaged from the first page to the last.

Throughout the novel, Waddington moves his tightly woven plot effortlessly from the larger to the smaller picture, bringing us a fascinating perspective of The Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG Corps), which encompasses the career path for military lawyers with all of its intrigue, hypocrisy, deception, paranoia and back stabbing. The principal characters are very well developed with the supporting cast all given sufficient detail to make them interesting and relevant.

I enjoyed the story, character development, and dialogue. There were plenty of plot twists that I didn’t see coming and that added to the book’s mystique. When I stopped reading to work, I found myself wondering what happened in the book, and replaying parts of the novel in my head to see if I could figure more out. It has been a while since I enjoyed a book this much. It’s a first-class thriller with perfect pacing. Not much is as it appears here, which is just the way fans of mystery, thriller and suspense will want it! It's a solid legal thriller that benefits substantially from a raft of better-than-average elements.

I’ll be looking forward to reading more from this author in the future. If you’re a fan of "A Few Good Men" or "JAG," you'll enjoy this book. Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.

View all my reviews

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