Saturday, September 5, 2020

My Eccentric Family by Norman L. Cantor

My Eccentric FamilyMy Eccentric Family by Norman L. Cantor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A very enjoyable read that was hard to put down...

My Eccentric Family by Norman L. Cantor is an all-encompassing human dramatization of an extraordinary life. An eyewitness, and at other times a participant in some of the most noteworthy social and political movements of the twentieth century, makes this biography a book well worth reading. Looking at historical facts, the book brings a wealth of knowledge to the reader making this a brilliant and insightful read.

Writing memoirs is a unique way to cherish your past and present, with the future in mind. However, the author states that he always thought that writing memoirs was pretentious and self-indulgent. Then at age of 76 a strange phenomenon occurred. He finally overcame a psychological block and read his Communist father’s 900-page FBI file. That reading triggered numerous recollections of his ‘red diaper’ childhood. And when he casually recounted a few vignettes to friends and family, the universal reaction was wonderment and a strong curiosity to hear more about his upbringing.

This is ‘a rare journey with universal lessons that is simultaneously a deeply personal memoir and an incisive work of history. It was a very enjoyable and interesting book to read. Highly recommended.

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