Friday, December 11, 2020

Slaying Dragons: A Love Story by McGee Mathews

Slaying DragonsSlaying Dragons by McGee Mathews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Understanding and exploring mental health issues...

Award-winning author McGee Mathews weaves an exceptional romantic drama that will captivate the reader’s attention from the beginning. The author paints a heartrending but memorable love story in a very vivid and convincing way. In addition, the characters are drawn with great credibility and conviction. It’s a very absorbing read containing messages at a deeper level that will challenge your mind. The story unfurls in small acts, at first feeling slight to touch, then building in emotional substance. Into the spaces between the words, the author breathes a pulsating intensity that rolls like a motion picture camera.

The contrast between tone and content is a characteristic talent of only a few authors. McGee Mathews pays as much attention to her sentences as she does to her plots, shifting or consolidating meaning with the use of a single word. Her writing is impeccably honed, full of juxtapositions and qualifications that help to create an emotional atmosphere that will leave you spellbound. Highly recommended.

View all my reviews

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