Thursday, March 17, 2022

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael DanielsPostcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels by Bernard Jan
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

‘Cries of a heart longing to be understood’

Postcards From Beyond Reality: The Selected Poems of Michael Daniels by Bernard Jan is a collection of sixty poems written as an extension book to his YA cross-genre novel Cruel Summer, from the perspective of its main character, Michael Daniels.

The book description deepens the meaning of the poetry further: ‘His life has been a cocktail of melancholy, sorrow, and desire. When a skateboarder dips his pen into poetry, what will his passion create? After a lifetime of abuse and the tragic loss of his mother, NYC teen Michael Daniels needed an outlet. Despite his cheerful nature, his inner mind was teeming with the stark contrast of darkness and light. So, in this volume full of images and symbolism, his underground rhymes reflect days full of extreme sports, failed relationships, and nostalgic memories.’

If you are looking for the poet inside the poem, look for the undercurrent he has left, the continuous hint of feeling can be found everywhere throughout this work. It’s powerful and strong, yet delicate and descriptive His pictures of emotional moods are painted beautifully. He has essentially captured the essence of what a poet is.

Bernard Jan will make you fall in love with literature again. If you've never liked poetry, you'll love Postcards From Beyond Reality. If you haven't read much poetry, this is an excellent place to start. A highly recommended read and a well-deserved five stars.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your honest thoughts and great review!
