Sunday, April 3, 2022

The Scar: Tale of a Waterfall

The Scar: Tale of a WaterfallThe Scar: Tale of a Waterfall by Eva Fogel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Making difficult but vital issues more approachable for young readers...

More often than not children relate themselves with the characters of a good story. In such circumstances, reading fiction can help them to get inspiration from the characters. These stories often portray real life implications through anecdotes, and as such makes it easier for them to understand the complex aspects of life. Moreover, reading these stories at regular intervals can actually help them to develop a positive outlook towards life, which eventually proves beneficial for good character development.

THE SCAR: Tale of a Waterfall by Eva Fogel is a moving and wonderfully written story that makes some difficult but vital issues more approachable for young readers, helping them and the adults who care for them to gently handle big feelings and emotions that can be difficult to articulate.

To summarize the synopsis: Little Abassi is a six-year-old African boy from a small community. His homeland is a sunny paradise for all the children who cheerfully play together in the village center, but Abassi's situation is different. He is an outsider with a secret that he hides deep within his heart. With no other option but to flee the challenges he encounters at home and no one to turn to in his community, Abassi finds himself alone and on the run; nevertheless, can he truly outrun everything he has left behind before his opportunity is lost?

This book appears to have been written with a great deal of thought and insight, and it's evident that the author enjoys telling such fascinating stories. Thank you for sharing the gift that you have clearly worked so hard to refine. It's refreshing to see a children's author take on topics that many other authors would avoid. Overall, I thought the story was interesting, I will mention here that I think it could do with a little editing to give it a final polish. Special mention also to Remy Maicas for the excellent illustrations. I give it five stars since it is well-deserved for originality.

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