Monday, May 2, 2022

Heroes To The Public Villains To The Law

Heroes To The Public Villains To The LawHeroes To The Public Villains To The Law by Marta Nater
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"While every Hero has a power beyond their control, every Villain has a story to tell"

Marta Nater was raised and educated in the northern regions of New York City and Massachusetts for the majority of her youth and early adolescence. Her parents relocated to the warmer state of Florida when she was in her mid-teens. Marta is from a large family and has been reared in a religious household since she was a child. Marta completely believes in the true existence and power of the almighty God above heaven, creator of all things, based on an early childhood spiritual experience. Marta has always wanted to write and become an author since she was a child.

Marta's enthusiasm for writing is not only one of her strongest, but it is also a part of her life because it has been incredibly therapeutic for her. Dorrance Publishers publishes some of her novels, while others are self-published. Marta has also been interviewed and featured on the Mike Wagner show and Triangle Media's YouTube channel about her life and books. Marta's ambition in life is to be seen as a positive role model for others in public.

Marta is currently residing in Orlando, Florida, with her husband Jaime. Marta is satisfied with her life and grateful to God for blessing her in so many ways. Marta Nater is also strongly opposed to child abuse for personal reasons and is a great supporter, advocate, and champion of the Child Abuse guidelines and laws.

Marta Nater's third fictional narrative, Heroes To The Public Villains To The Law, is about good citizens who took the law into their own hands when justice failed them. In this third and final installment, each of the villains featured and presented continues their previous social deeds in order to be heard by those with the legal authority and power to make changes for children's safety when it comes to child abusers, pedophiles, and rapists, as well as better changes regarding racism and other important social issues. The novel is entirely fictional, and the author has no intention of offending anyone.

To summarize the synopsis: In this third and final installment emerges a new teen villain, Darla. When her father, Shadow Claw, is finally captured, an enraged Darla, unable to help and left with no other choice, makes her way into Africa to seek the help of villain Cora. Upon Cora's return to New York, law enforcement is faced with Cora's ruthless wrath again. Cora's return brings her previous rivals, Jerico, Nina, and Danny, back to the scene. Cora and her new triple-team members from Africa set their eyes on human traffickers. Left with no other options, FBI headquarters sort out prisoner Amadou Khan to help in the capture of the villainess Cora.

Commissioner Danny's adopted sister, a scientist and technologist Julia joins the fight. A new mafia king leader takes over from the late mafia king. Commissioner Danny's dark secret from his past is discovered, bringing dire consequences. A familiar face from Nina Dansk's past returns for her. After receiving an unexpected tip about his parents' unsolved death, Jericho faces a new betrayal and a rival. Beast Shadow Claw's true identity is finally revealed!

The author's writing style is open, honest, and emotive, showing her enthusiasm for the subject matter. Her zeal is contagious, and she knows how to elicit an emotional response from the reader. The novel offers unexpected story twists that will keep readers guessing.

Many individuals may find this book offensive, however, that was not the author's intention. The book is simply a fictional story about good people who, when justice fails them, take matters into their own hands. The villains continue their previous crimes in this finale in order to be heard by those with the legal authority and power to make changes for our children's safety when it comes to child abusers, pedophiles, and rapists, as well as better changes regarding racism concerns.

Thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it. A well-deserved five stars from me. Looking forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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