Project 'Spymaker’

Project 'Spymaker’Project 'Spymaker’ by Kevin Pierce
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An excellent new series for sci-fi fans!

Project ‘SPYMAKER’ by Kevin Pierce and Bryce Forrester is a superbly written and richly descriptive novel with brilliantly drawn characters and settings. The authors weave a well-crafted sci-fi thriller that will mesmerize the reader from the start. Skillfully constructed, this exciting and energetic sci-fi will have you turning the pages from beginning to end.

Summarizing the synopsis we find that since the beginning of his life, if it could even be called that, Adam had never experienced any other kind of life. He was at the forefront of some of the most cutting-edge scientific investigations of our century. A secret that is more secret than any other secret can be found in a laboratory in the middle of the desert. The results of the agency's wager which lasted for thirty years were kept in the observatory that has since been abandoned at 10,000 Falling Star Boulevard. The ultimate intelligence operative had been born, and it was undetectable as well as restricted solely by its own biological restrictions… In the pursuit of knowledge, there was only one question that remained: was he the only one?

Due to the fact that I devour works of science fiction, I thought this was an excellent book to read. This is a fantastic find for science fiction readers who are searching for a book that is engaging, multidimensional, and thought-provoking. It has been some time since I read a book that I enjoyed quite as much as this one. It’s a first-rate science fiction story that moves at the ideal pace. Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.

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