Blood Ever After by Sean O'Connor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
An apocalyptic tale about love and tragedy...
“Blood Ever After” is a powerful and haunting coming-of-age post-apocalyptic science fiction novel. The story follows Tyler, who is still in a state of deep mourning after losing his brother to suicide two years previously. But when a new girl comes to town, Tyler feels a connection and is hoping she feels the same way. Meanwhile, Oakland is being affected by a dreadful event that is spreading throughout the city. Humans are losing their minds, there are unusual deaths, and strangers are wandering the streets at night. The apocalypse has arrived, and there are only a select few who will survive… Now, the daunting mission of traversing this strange and desolate land in a quest of finding a glimmer of hope has been assigned to Tyler and other individuals. Nevertheless, the other people who survived have their own agendas, and it appears that it is not safe to put all of your faith or trust in them… And what is the significance of the voice that he hears beckoning him from the depths of this new realm, a voice that is eerily reminiscent of his older brother? Is it possible that he has risen from the grave? If that's the case, then why is it after Tyler?...
A bleak and often brutal book, it is also one of great beauty and hope. Despite the horrors that the characters face, there are moments of tenderness and humanity that shine through the darkness. The novel is a gripping and poignant exploration of what it means to be human in the face of overwhelming adversity. The authors writing style is sharp and, therefore, not for the linguistically sensitive, yet he conveys a great deal of emotion and depth through his words.
Overall, “Blood Ever After” is a powerful and unforgettable novel that will stay with readers long after they turn the final page. O'Connor's prose is both beautiful and devastating, and his exploration of the human experience in a post-apocalyptic world is both harrowing and deeply moving. This is a must-read for fans of science fiction and coming-of-age stories alike. Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
An apocalyptic tale about love and tragedy...
“Blood Ever After” is a powerful and haunting coming-of-age post-apocalyptic science fiction novel. The story follows Tyler, who is still in a state of deep mourning after losing his brother to suicide two years previously. But when a new girl comes to town, Tyler feels a connection and is hoping she feels the same way. Meanwhile, Oakland is being affected by a dreadful event that is spreading throughout the city. Humans are losing their minds, there are unusual deaths, and strangers are wandering the streets at night. The apocalypse has arrived, and there are only a select few who will survive… Now, the daunting mission of traversing this strange and desolate land in a quest of finding a glimmer of hope has been assigned to Tyler and other individuals. Nevertheless, the other people who survived have their own agendas, and it appears that it is not safe to put all of your faith or trust in them… And what is the significance of the voice that he hears beckoning him from the depths of this new realm, a voice that is eerily reminiscent of his older brother? Is it possible that he has risen from the grave? If that's the case, then why is it after Tyler?...
A bleak and often brutal book, it is also one of great beauty and hope. Despite the horrors that the characters face, there are moments of tenderness and humanity that shine through the darkness. The novel is a gripping and poignant exploration of what it means to be human in the face of overwhelming adversity. The authors writing style is sharp and, therefore, not for the linguistically sensitive, yet he conveys a great deal of emotion and depth through his words.
Overall, “Blood Ever After” is a powerful and unforgettable novel that will stay with readers long after they turn the final page. O'Connor's prose is both beautiful and devastating, and his exploration of the human experience in a post-apocalyptic world is both harrowing and deeply moving. This is a must-read for fans of science fiction and coming-of-age stories alike. Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.
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