My Jokingdom: Discover Jokes. Tell Jokes. Write Jokes. Laugh. by Tom E. Moffatt
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A lighthearted and enjoyable read...
Everyone wishing to develop their comic writing talents can benefit from joke writing. Writing and telling jokes is a useful skills in many areas of life, including public speaking, entertainment, and even social relationships. Having a sense of humor and comedic timing can also aid in the development of creativity and critical thinking skills. If you want to learn more about jokes and joke writing, "My Jokingdom" by Tom E. Moffatt is an excellent starting point. Highly recommended.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A lighthearted and enjoyable read...
Everyone wishing to develop their comic writing talents can benefit from joke writing. Writing and telling jokes is a useful skills in many areas of life, including public speaking, entertainment, and even social relationships. Having a sense of humor and comedic timing can also aid in the development of creativity and critical thinking skills. If you want to learn more about jokes and joke writing, "My Jokingdom" by Tom E. Moffatt is an excellent starting point. Highly recommended.
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