The Spectacular Life of Benito Martin del Canto by David Towner
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A thrilling YA adventure of dragons and unwritten history...
In "The Spectacular Life of Benito Martin del Canto," David Towner takes readers on a thrilling young adult adventure. The story centers on an American schoolgirl who discovers her father's gift, a handwritten novel, might be an unpublished work by Miguel Cervantes. With the help of her Spanish teacher, they submit the manuscript for analysis, leading to a fantastical tale of dragons, incredible achievements, and rewritten history. Towner's writing brilliantly blends fantasy and history to create a captivating adventure that will have you turning the pages until the very end. This is a must-read for fans of young adult fantasy who enjoy a thrilling and imaginative ride. Highly recommended.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A thrilling YA adventure of dragons and unwritten history...
In "The Spectacular Life of Benito Martin del Canto," David Towner takes readers on a thrilling young adult adventure. The story centers on an American schoolgirl who discovers her father's gift, a handwritten novel, might be an unpublished work by Miguel Cervantes. With the help of her Spanish teacher, they submit the manuscript for analysis, leading to a fantastical tale of dragons, incredible achievements, and rewritten history. Towner's writing brilliantly blends fantasy and history to create a captivating adventure that will have you turning the pages until the very end. This is a must-read for fans of young adult fantasy who enjoy a thrilling and imaginative ride. Highly recommended.
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