Sunday, January 5, 2020

Kaitush the WizardKaitush the Wizard by Itzchak Belfer
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

"Be cautious in your actions. Be bold and daring in your dreams"...

More often than not children relate themselves with the characters of a good story. In such circumstances, reading fiction can help them to get inspiration from the characters. These stories often portray real life implications through anecdotes, and as such makes it easier for them to understand the complex aspects of life. Moreover, reading these stories at regular intervals can actually help them to develop a positive outlook towards life, which eventually proves beneficial for good character development.

The book description gives a sneak preview: ‘Kaitush is a normal boy like all young boys… Well, not really, because Kaitush is a wizard! With his magical powers, he fools his teachers, confuses clocks, and even creates a double for himself, leaving him free to set off on all kinds of adventures. However, being a wizard is not so simple; there are rules to adhere to, and anyone breaking them, faces the consequences in a court of justice. That is exactly what happens to Kaitush, the boy wizard...’

KAITUSH THE WIZARD is a delightful and charming book for the younger reader. I read it with my grand-kids, and they loved not only the story, but also the wonderful illustrations. I thought the text and illustrations worked very well together. It seems to me that this book was created with a lot of love and joy and it’s clear that the author really enjoyed creating such wonderful stories. Thank you for sharing with us the gift that you have obviously worked so hard to refine. We’ll be looking forward to seeing what’s coming next. A well-deserved five stars from us!

‘Kaitush the Wizard is the work of Dr. Janusz Korczak, whose educational teachings and stories are full of childhood joy, innocence and faith in human goodness. His works have had great influence on generations of readers. Artist Itzchak Belfer adapted “Kaitush” for young children so they could enjoy one of Korczak’s most memorable stories.’

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