Sunday, June 28, 2020

The Dar Lumbre Chronicles

The Dar Lumbre ChroniclesThe Dar Lumbre Chronicles by Don Johnston
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A unique and wonderfully written Sc-Fi that was hard to put down...

Forty-some years ago my uncle gave me a science fiction anthology. It was a thick red hardback that I read from cover to cover. It inspired a lifelong love of the genre. The stories in that book made me think outside the box. They filled me with awe for the imagination it took to write them. That book still remains in my collection today. The title is OMNIBUS OF SCIENCE FICTION, edited by Groff Conklin, a well-known and prolific editor of the genre. It was published in 1952, the Golden Age of Science Fiction. It’s a substantial volume, 562 pages, with 43 stories divided into sections relating to a common theme. Some stories are fun, some are thought-provoking, and some are adventurous. I love them all.

The Dar Lumbre Chronicles by Don Johnston is a wonderfully written and richly descriptive novel with brilliantly drawn characters and settings. The author weaves a clever web of intrigue in this well-crafted Sci-Fi that will captivate the reader from the opening chapter. Skillfully constructed, this well-written and unique story will have you turning the pages from beginning to end.

I’m a big fan of Sci-Fi, so this for us was a phenomenal read. It’s one of those books that stayed with me for several days after I finished reading it. The vivid descriptions of the settings, situations, and the people were stunning and realistic.

I’ll be looking forward to reading more from Don Johnston in the future. Highly recommended reading and a well-deserved five stars from me.

View all my reviews

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