Monday, September 7, 2020

Have you heard about Karen?

Have you heard about Karen?Have you heard about Karen? by Karin Aharon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A spellbinding, entertaining and humorous read...

Have you heard about Karen? by Israeli author Karin Aharon is a wonderfully written and richly descriptive novel with wonderfully drawn characters and settings. The author weaves a spellbinding, entertaining and humorous novel with plenty of twists and turns that kept me engaged from the first page to the last.

The book description gives a sneak preview: ‘Karen, Tara, and Rylie are friendly neighbors in a suburban town, who think they know each other well. Karen seems to have it all - an amazing job as a programmer, a handsome husband, and three beautiful daughters. But behind the scenes, things are not quite as they seem… Recently her neighbors have noticed that she has been keeping something from them. As time goes by, her secrets are pushing all her friends away… When Tara and Rylie notice a mysterious man entering Karen’s home, they are astounded as to why their friend would be having a secret affair behind the back of her perfect husband… Is Karen’s life heading towards a crisis? Or does everything look different from up close?’

I enjoyed the story, character development, and dialogue. There were plenty of plot twists that I didn’t see coming and that added to the book’s mystique. When I stopped reading to work, I found myself wondering what happened in the book, and replaying parts of the story in my head to see if I could figure more out. It has been a while since I enjoyed a book this much. It’s a well written story of intertwined friendship with perfect pacing.

When we assume that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, we tend to look at things beyond ourselves, beyond where we are, beyond what we have, beyond who we are and beyond the time we are at now. This very enjoyable read is a reflection of that.

Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.

View all my reviews

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