Promiscuous Innovation: A New Model for Working in the Innovation Economy

Promiscuous Innovation: A New Model for Working in the Innovation EconomyPromiscuous Innovation: A New Model for Working in the Innovation Economy by Elle Shelley Black
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An informative, insightful and unique way of looking at innovation...

Product innovation is the development of better products for the consumer. These new products improve on the functionality of same products on the market. By innovating, you will be able to give yourself an advantage over your competitors.

Product innovation makes your business successful as it ensures that you maintain a lion's share of the market. For this reason, it is paramount that you instil and nurture the innovative spirit. In Promiscuous Innovation: A New Model for Working in the Innovation Economy by Elle Shelley Black the author states that she has the answers, and, in this very well written book, she provides them. Highly recommended.

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