Saturday, September 12, 2020

Sacred Senior Moments: “A Christian Poetic Devotional"

Sacred Senior Moments: A Christian Poetic DevotionalSacred Senior Moments: A Christian Poetic Devotional by Barbara Klein
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An inspiring collection of Christian centered poetry...

Poetry has lost a lot of its flavor in this new age. When time moves past the current age, the next generation are always influenced by the previous generations even if that influence manifests as a rejection of the values of those who've gone before. Sacred Senior Moments: A Christian Poetic Devotional by Barbara Klein, however, lacks the awkward self-consciousness of post-modernism even when it compliments it, and that is its beautiful defining element. An example of the poetry to be discovered here is as follows:

To write about old age
An interesting topic to some…
Am I growing old
or am I just old?
I’ve passed the three score and ten
yet I want to learn more, do more, become more
but my body has its limits.
I’m understanding Plato’s prison
I know I will escape someday
As that day grows nearer
I wonder how will I handle it.
That’s the big unanswered question
that’s only resolved
with the last breath.

Sacred Senior Moments: A Christian Poetic Devotional by Barbara Klein is an inspiring collection of Christian centered poetry. Along with a love of God, the poems express a richness of devotion and a passion for life. Primarily, though, they focus on the loving bond between the poet and God. Sacred Senior Moments will appeal to lovers of Christian poetry.

It is true there are those who have little appreciation for poetry, yet the poet's work has brought about significant societal debate and ultimate change in our world. Perhaps this is because the reader is invited to share the writer's perspective in an emotional way that allows a perspective to be heard with something other than ears. Highly recommended.

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