Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Deadly Pranks

Deadly PranksDeadly Pranks by D.C. Rush
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A suspenseful vigilante justice thriller...

Deadly Pranks by D.C. Rush is a suspenseful vigilante justice thriller. The story is filled with intrigue and many twists that keeps the reader engaged and hungry for more and that's one of the many reasons why this book succeeds.

The plot is intricately sculpted as the synopsis suggests: ‘…Four typical American teenagers terrorizing the neighborhood with nasty pranks and all forms of bullying, until they find themselves in the hot seat after their bullying causes someone to die. If this prospect is not terrifying enough on its own, add some relatives to the pot, hungry for revenge and the guts to set a trap during a camping trip of the boys. Vigilant justice is served with a side-order of kidnapping at gunpoint. They are captured in dog cages just to wait out their punishment. The boys endure torture as well as sleep and food deprivation by their captors. The lives of these four teenage boys are forever altered…’

The story had every element a good story should have. A solid plot, attention to detail, but best of all fleshed out, well-written and well-rounded character development. There’s an abundance of well-illustrated scenes that make you feel like you are right there in the story, and that’s something I look for in a good book.

I enjoyed the story, character development, and dialogue. There were plenty of plot twists that I didn’t see coming and that added to the book’s mystique. When I stopped reading to work, I found myself wondering what happened in the book, and replaying parts of the story in my head to see if I could figure more out. It has been a while since I enjoyed a book this much.

If you are looking for a well-written thriller with amazing characters and a gripping plot then ‘Deadly Pranks’ will not leave you disappointed. Fans of the genre who like their action and adventure infused with mystery and suspense will enjoy the ride and the unexpected ending! Highly recommended.

View all my reviews

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