Friday, December 9, 2022

Lost in Time by John Taylor

Lost in TimeLost in Time by John M. Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A well-crafted historical fantasy mystery thriller...

After a successful business career that took him all over the world, English-born author John Taylor, now calls Perth, Australia home. His early writing career consisted of writing technical and training manuals, but he eventually found that more creative writing gave him greater satisfaction. He was also a frequent guest on the radio and wrote a column for a local newspaper every week. His first book, "Raising Fen Tigers," takes a humorous look at his experience growing up in a Fenland village. His first novel, "I Will Find You," of which I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing, is being adapted for the Silver Screen! "Lost in Time," is his latest novel.

"Lost in Time," is a superbly written and richly descriptive novel with brilliantly drawn characters and settings. The threads of storytelling are so expertly woven in this historical mystery thriller that it guarantees the attention of the reader. Skillfully constructed and set against the backdrop of the Fenlands, in eastern England at the beginning of the Great War, this mystery thriller will have you turning the pages from beginning to end.

In summarizing the synopsis we find the main protagonist, Tom, a well-known horseman working Clydesdales horses on a farm near Ely, in the Fens of East Anglia at the beginning of World War I. During the process of draining the marshes to uncover rich farmland, relics from the area's long-ago history began to surface. From the edge of Tom's plow emerges a curious vessel from the middle ages. Not long after the discovery, children start going missing, and the villagers quickly become fearful. What is the relationship between the missing children, the Knights Templar, and the treasure that was lost during the reign of King John? This unconventional, and at times humorous, suspenseful thriller takes place in a Fenland town in the early 1900s and recounts an unanticipated chain of events…

"Lost in Time" had every element a good story should have. An interesting plot, with attention to detail, but best of all fleshed out, well-written and well-rounded character development. There’s an abundance of well-illustrated scenes that make you feel like you are right there in the story, and that’s something I look for in a good book. It’s one of those stories that come along once in a while that makes you want to read it non-stop until you get to the end. I’m giving nothing further away here. And this, I hope, will only add to the mystery and enjoyment for the reader.

Highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

View all my reviews

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