Taming Fear in the Age of Covid by Winfried Sedhoff
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Practical advice for dealing with stress and finding inner calm...
Fear is a common emotion in today's world, and it's not hard to understand why. The beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic led levels of fear to skyrocket, which in turn sent levels of worldwide anxiety and stress to all-time highs.
Dr. Winfried Sedhoff’s “Taming Fear in the Age of Covid” demonstrates how you can conquer your anxiety and regain control of your life. Dr. Sedhoff has himself overcome significant personal obstacles, and now he wants to pass on his knowledge in the hopes that it may aid others in overcoming adversity.
How to prevent anxieties from taking root, how to tap into the hidden fear-taming properties of nature, and much more are just some of the topics covered in this in-depth guide to conquering your worst fears once and for all. Practical advice for dealing with stress and finding inner calm is the common thread throughout this excellent book.
I would strongly suggest this book to anybody who is interested in having an experience that is really uplifting, inspiring, and influential on them individually. The insights you get from reading this book are both very personal and have the potential to have a significant influence on both your way of thinking and your daily life.
Very highly recommended and a well-deserved five stars from me.
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