Monday, April 24, 2023

God is Good: Revised Second Edition

God is Good: Revised Second EditionGod is Good: Revised Second Edition by Margaret Liu Collins
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An inspirational memoir...

“God is Good” by Margaret Liu Collins is the second edition of this compelling and inspiring account of one woman's journey to faith and the transformational power of God in her life. The author shares her personal story of overcoming cultural barriers, domestic abuse, and financial struggles by seeking and heeding God's voice. Her personal experience growing up in China during the war and later facing gender discrimination and domestic abuse in her marriage makes her story both moving and inspiring. Her faith in God and her determination to seek His guidance and follow His plan for her life have led to a life of spiritual riches, financial abundance, exuberant health, and loving relationships. She emphasizes that these blessings are not a result of her exceptional qualities, but rather because ‘God is Good.’

The author has crafted a well-written and highly readable piece that is both interesting and engaging. Her deep-rooted faith in God shines through every page, and her commitment to spreading His message is evident. By sharing her own journey, the author demonstrates how faith can transform our daily lives. This book is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to strengthen their connection with God and deepen their faith.

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