Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Business Scaling Blueprint: Building a Foundation to Grow Your Brand

The Business Scaling Blueprint: Building a Foundation to Grow Your BrandThe Business Scaling Blueprint: Building a Foundation to Grow Your Brand by Tony DiSilvestro
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A must-read guide to creating memorable customer experiences and growing your business...

Tony DiSilvestro's "The Business Scaling Blueprint" draws on his extensive experience as a mentor to CEOs and entrepreneurs worldwide, as well as the founder of over thirty-one businesses. DiSilvestro emphasizes the importance of mindset and creating memorable customer experiences when scaling a business, and he provides a step-by-step guide on how to do so, covering topics such as branding, systemization, training, delegation, customer service, and risk-taking. Throughout the book, DiSilvestro shares relatable stories of his own successes and failures, and his coaching style provides practical and useful information that can be implemented right away. This comprehensive guide is recommended for anyone looking to grow their business and provide their customers with an unforgettable experience. Highly recommended.

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