Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals for Business Leaders: Up to Date With Generative AI

Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals for Business Leaders: Up to Date With Generative AI (Byte-sized Learning Book 1)Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals for Business Leaders: Up to Date With Generative AI by I. Almeida
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An indispensable resource for non-technical business leaders...

"Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals for Business Leaders" by I. Almeida is an indispensable resource for non-technical business leaders seeking to navigate the world of AI. With its concise and accessible approach, it imparts a deep understanding of AI's evolution, data management, machine learning, deep learning, model selection, and evaluation, as well as generative AI. The integration of the AI Academy platform and the opportunity to enroll in a self-paced course further enhance the learning experience. Now Next Later AI has crafted an exceptional learning resource that equips business leaders with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of AI for strategic decision-making. Highly recommended.

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